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Tips To Help You Avoid Yeast Infections

Jun 26

Tips To Help You Avoid Yeast Infections

Yeast infections are typically not the topic of polite conversation. Although yeast infections are not fatal, they can be uncomfortable. The two most important aspects of yeast infections are treating it and preventing it from happening again. These tips will aid in such prevention and should be adhered to by those who deal with this infection regularly.

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Remove wet clothing immediately after swimming. Do not spend any more time in damp clothing than you have to, because it creates an ideal environment for yeast growth. Make sure you are completely dry once the wet clothes are removed, and then go ahead and put on dry clothes.


If the natural path is not yielding any results, you may want to take drugs that kill the infections from the inside out such as tetracycline. This drug is fairly strong and can help to reduce both the chances of growth and stop it in its tracks when it rears its ugly head.


If you have a yeast infection, try to reduce the hot and spicy foods that you eat during your meals and snacks. These types of foods can aggravate the infections that you have any make you feel very uncomfortable. Eat moderate foods if you want to feel comfortable with a yeast infection.


To cut down on the number of yeast infections you have, keep the vaginal area clean. Use unscented soap on that area and be sure to pat the area dry when cleansing is complete. The bacteria that causes the infection thrives in moist, dark areas so be sure to keep the area clean and dry.


One of the ways that you can prevent yeast infections altogether is to limit the alcohol intake that you consume during the day and night. Alcohol can hurt your immune system, which is a very important component in fighting the fungus that can lead to moderate and severe yeast infections.


Lactobacilius acidophilis is a natural culture, and your friend. This can be found in yogurt and can help fight off a yeast infection. When purchasing yogurt look for these live cultures within a sugar-free product. Sugar can actually feed the infection.


Make sure that if you sweat a lot or work out at the gym, you always take a change of clean, dry clothes with you. Never sit around in sweaty gym clothes or a wet bathing suit. By keeping your body dry and out of wet/sweaty clothes, you are preventing any yeast infections.


Keep your vaginal area dry and clean. Yeast infections are more likely to occur if you do not. Be sure to wash regularly. Wear absorbent panties, like cotton. This will help to keep your vaginal area dry throughout the day, thus decreasing the likelihood of you developing a yeast infection.


With this data in mind, yeast infections should no longer be the hassle they may have been. Be mindful also of the things you can do to stop this irritant occurring in the first place and your body will thank you for it.