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How to install SOD?

Nov 9

If your lawn is in disarray and full of weeds, it's time to get started again. You have three choices: reseed the lawn, lay sod, or hire Creative Greenz Landscaping. Seeding is more affordable and requires less effort, but it takes longer to get the green lawn you want.

What is sod?

A farm that farms your sod the day it arrives can make it affordable. It can be tedious and time-consuming to lay sod correctly if you don't know-how. Competent people with a good knowledge of the process can lay sod within 24 hours after harvesting. There shouldn't be any problems with survival as long as there is no other vegetation.

How do you install sod?

Remove the Old Grass

Remove any soil or grass before you lay the sod. Your yard will thrive if it has at least one inch of soil. A sod cutter is basically two rectangular frames with sharp blades on one end. The sod cutter cuts through roots and leaves behind dirt at the cutting point. This is the same way that rolls are delivered to farmhouses.

Prepare for the Soil

Soil preparation is key to a successful sod installation in Phoenix. You can use a garden rake (also known as a bow-rake) to level the soil and break down large pieces of dirt. This will make it easier to plant new roots. Add layers of lawn soil on top to help your roots bond quickly with their native plants. You should not place them over existing grasses, as this could lead to their death.

Use the sod

Make sure you first water the soil with a hose or sprinkler before you start laying sod. Next, remove any footprints from the previous layer of sod. Roll it along the longest edge without landscaping or concrete. The next piece can be removed from any footprints. Then roll another roll onto the pieces, making sure that there are no gaps.

Trim Your Edges

The lying sod rolls are nearly done. You might find that some edges are uneven. Don't worry! Don't worry! Don't worry! Simply fold the grass back and use sharp scissors to trim it down. Make sure to smoothen any spaces between the soil and the grassy edges.

Don't forget to drink water

Water the new sod every day for two to six weeks. Next, test the grass by taking a corner and ensuring that it is not muddy. Continue to water until the grass is bonded with the soil beneath it. You should also fertilize it.